Tuesday, 4 September 2012
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Monday, 2 July 2012
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Thursday, 10 May 2012
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Tarot Burning Question? Widget! - AstroLuckIndia.com
Sunday, 6 May 2012
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Saturday, 21 April 2012
Free!!! Astrology Widgets!- AstroLuckIndia.com
Free!!! Astrology Widgets!- AstroLuckIndia.com , Astrology Widgets
Astrology Website Widgets
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For Any Widget's Query Please Visit Our Support Center OR Contact Us At: +91-981-116-7701, +91-987-111-7222
# Daily Horoscope Widget Description: Just copy and paste the code in your website, and it starts showing daily horoscope's in your website. | # Fortune Cookie Of The Day Description: This Widget shows daily fortune cookie of the day, on your website. Cookies avaliable: LOVE, LUCK & KIDS |
# Vedic Match Making Description: This widget generates free vedic match making report. | # Sexual Compatibility Description: This widget helps the lovers to find out their sexual compatibility between them. |
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# Yearly Horoscope Description: Shows yearly horoscopes according to their sun sign. SEE DEMO | GET CODE | DETAILS | # Chinese Horoscope Description:Shows yearly horoscopes according to their chinese sign. |
# Moon Sign Horoscope Description:Shows yearly horoscopes according to their moon sign. SEE DEMO | GET CODE | DETAILS | # Vastu Tip Of The Day Description: Shows vastu tip of the day for healthy, wealthy and better living. SEE DEMO | GET CODE | DETAILS |
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# Tarot Card Of The Day Description: This widget shows daily tarot card of the day on your website. | # Tarot Three Card Reading Description: This widget shows three tarot card readings. |
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#Past Life Spread Description: This is a great spread for asking question concerning your pas life. Show This on your website. | #Yes or No Spread Description: This is a great spread for asking question and getting answer in YES or NO. Show This on your website. |
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Free!!! Daily Horoscope Widget!- AstroLuckIndia.com
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Fortune Cookie Of The Day Widget!- AstroLuckIndia.com
Fortune Cookie Of The Day Widget!- AstroLuckIndia.com
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KIds Cookie Of The Day Description: Show Kids Cookie Of The Day On Your Website. SIZE: width= 160, height=168 |
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Match Making Widget
Vedic Match Making Widget
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Vedic Match Making Widget Style 1 Description: Shows Match Making Report Of Couples. SIZE: width= 400, height= 220 |
Vedic Match Making Widget Style 2 {Form Style} Description: Shows Match Making Report Of Couples. SIZE: width= 650, height= 450 |
Sexual Compatibility Widget
Sexual Compatibility Widget
Sexual Compatibility Widget
This widget helps the lovers to find out their sexual compatibility between them.
Please Choose One Style:
Sexual Compatibility Widget Style 1 Description: This widget helps the lovers to find out their sexual compatibility between them. SIZE: width= 400, height= 236 |
Sexual Compatibility Widget Style 2 {Form Style} Description:This widget helps the lovers to find out their sexual compatibility between them. SIZE: width= 650, height= 450 |
Chinese Compatibility Widget
Chinese Compatibility Widget
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Chinese Love Compatibility {In Da Web} Description: Just copy and paste the code in your website, and it starts showing Chinese Compatibility form in your website. SIZE: width= 650, height= 500 |
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Tarot Card's Widget! - AstroLuckIndia.com
Tarot Card's Widget! - AstroLuckIndia.com
Tarot Widgets
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Tarot Card Of The Day Widget {Simple Deck} Description: Just copy and paste the code in your website, and it starts showing tarot card of the on your website. for free SIZE: width= 402, height= 460 |
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Tarot Three Card Readings Widget! - AstroLuckIndia.com
Tarot Three Card Readings Widget! - AstroLuckIndia.com
Tarot Widgets
Choose from the wide range of tarot widget's
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Tarot Three Card Reading Widget {Egyptian Deck} Description: Just copy and paste the code in your website, and it starts showing tarot three card readings on your website. for free!!! SIZE: width= 620, height= 700 |
Weekly Tarot Readings Widget! - AstroLuckIndia.com
Weekly Tarot Readings Widget! - AstroLuckIndia.com
Tarot Widgets
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Weekly Tarot Readings Widget Description: Just copy and paste the code in your website, and it starts showing weekly tarot readings on your website. for free SIZE: width= 490, height= 600 |
Numerology Widgets!- AstroLuckIndia.com
Numerology Widgets!- AstroLuckIndia.com
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Tarot Burning Question? Widget! - AstroLuckIndia.com
Tarot Burning Question? Widget! - AstroLuckIndia.com
Tarot Burning Question? Widget
Show's Ask A Question Form And Get Prediction Through Tarot Cards
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Tarot Burning Question? {Style 1} Description: Just copy and paste the code in your website, and it starts showing tarot burning question form widget on your website. SIZE: width= 410, height= 200 |
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Relationship Spread Tarot Widgets
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Tarot Career Spread Widget! - Free Relationship Spread Tarot Widget
Career Spread Tarot Widgets
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Career Spread Reading NO SCREEN AVALIABLE PLEASE SEE LIVE DEMO Description: Just copy and paste the code in your website, and it starts showing tarot career spread on your website. for free!!! SIZE: width= 600, height= 700 |
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Tarot Celtic Cross Spread Widget! - Free Relationship Spread Tarot Widget
Celtic Cross Spread Tarot Widgets
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Celtic Cross Spread Reading NO SCREEN AVALIABLE PLEASE SEE LIVE DEMO Description: Just copy and paste the code in your website, and it starts showing tarot celtic cross spread on your website. for free!!! SIZE: width= 600, height= 880 |
Friday, 13 April 2012
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